On Sunday Dez Bryant was doing his best Russell Crowe impersonation while FIGHTIN' ROUND THE WORLD. Alternate, reality-filled universe: Dez Bryant was involved in a Cowboys training-camp scuffle that's only big because Dez is a huge name and an emotionally charged dude that people love to scream about. 

Oh right: also because household name Tyler Patmon was on the other end of Dez' flying fists of fury

As colleague Jared Dubin noted, "this is a scuffle, friends." It happens every year at this time and is inevitably blown out of proportion.

The two have since made up, according to both pictures and quotes from the "Dez Bryant-Tyler Patmon FULL FIGHT EXCLUSIVE COWBOYS CAMP BRAWL" video posted by the Cowboys on their website.

"It’s two great competitors. I was giving him a little bit of mouth. Talking a whole bunch of stuff to him," Bryant said. "He was talking back to me and it just escalated to the next play. We shook hands, we hugged and we respect one another."

The Dallas Morning-News also has a photo of the two hugging it out.

Hopefully the Cowboys can survive the distraction of ScuffleGate. 

Dez Bryant has made up with teammate Tyler Patmon. (USATSI)