There's nothing more awkward than an NFL team having to cut a talented player for salary-cap reasons. Well, unless that team then tries to sell the cut player a suite in their stadium after he's already signed with someone else.

And yet, that's what happened to former Texans tackle Eric Winston, now with the Chiefs, on Thursday.

You see, Winston received a mailing from the Texans where they tried to sell him on purchasing "a Houston Texans Suite" for his business.
Now, it's unlikely that anyone at the Texans ticket sales office actually thought "Oh yes, Eric Winston seems like a FINE choice to purchase a luxury suite!"

After all, even if Winston was still with the team, he'd probably be able to get all the tickets/suite action he needed without actually purchasing one like a normal ticket holder.

So it's likely that this was just a mass mailing sent out to people in the nicer areas of Houston. (We'll assume our fancy Texans friend Steph Stradley also got one.)

But that doesn't take away the sting of sending Winston a flier that says "MEMORIES" and "The Texans Experience" in big letters.

H/T: Jimmy Traina's Hot Clicks