Redskins MLB London Fletcher is struggling of late but look for him to turn it around Sunday against the Panthers  (US Presswire)

Keep  an eye on these three Redskins who could have a big game against the Panthers:

1. LB London Fletcher. He’s struggling of late with missed tackles, including three vs. Pittsburgh last week. No one is more respected than Fletcher on the defense, for his play and for his knowledge. Players probably listen more to him than the coaches. But at 37 he’s battling injuries and age, a tough combination to overcome. Sunday, he needs to be sharp with his eyes against QB Cam Newton and the zone-read game, which fooled Washington last season.

2. WR Aldrick Robinson. Coach Mike Shanahan said he’s going to get more time Sunday as the Redskins seek plays downfield. He and WR Leonard Hankerson ran the same 40-yard dash times at the combine in 2011, but Robinson is much quicker and more elusive in the open field. His blocking is subpar.

3. NT Barry Cofield. The Redskins had hoped he’d develop into the best NT in the NFL this season, but instead he’s simply become a pretty good one. He doesn’t get blown off the ball, but he also hasn’t been disruptive. He’s facing a backup C in Geoff Hangartner and must have a solid game to make sure the Panthers’ run game continues to struggle.

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John Keim covers the Redskins for the Washington Examiner. Follow him on Twitter @CBSRedskins or @John_Keim.