Being a Chicago Bear has been an adjustment for RB Michael Bush because he has had to get used to being a backup behind Matt Forte.

There is also another reason. Chicago just isn't the wild and crazy place Oakland was for him.
"It's a whole lot different as far as the fans," Bush said. "You know, Soldier Field is a little quieter, kind of. You know, I'm used to the Black Hole going crazy.

"Even the players here, man, they just carry themselves differently. I'm used to the fired-up, going crazy, pregame warmup and I'm walking around (Saturday) like, 'man, these guys are quiet, man, what's going on?' It's just totally different."

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Bush agreed it might trace back to the head coach Lovie Smith's personality. Smith is the subdued type who espouses a kill them with kindness plan of attack.

But getting hyped is not the most important trait Bush brings to the team. Bush has said he didn't like the idea of being pigeon-holed as a short-yardage back, even though he scored on TD runs of 1 and 8 yards Saturday, and last year with Oakland scored on seven of his 22 carries inside the 10. The 8-yard TD run Bush had Saturday wasn't all power, either.

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"I think he has a little quicker feet than anyone anticipated making the guy miss in the hole," QB Jay Cutler said. "That kind of threw us for a loop just watching it. He (Bush) can do it all. He can catch passes. He’s a sleeper. You never really know and then he turns it on game days and he can make plays for you.

 Follow Bears reporter Gene Chamberlain on Twitter @CBSSportsNFLCHI.