Nose tackle Shaun Cody suffered a back injury in the team’s preseason game Saturday at Carolina. Coach Gary Kubiak told reporters Monday that he is in wait-and-see mode with Cody.

“Well, he’s doing good,” Kubiak said. “He had the epidural [Sunday]. We’re in a process here. I think we’re going to know more about it in three or four days. He’s feeling a lot better. I saw him out moving around [Monday]. So, that’s a positive sign, and we’ll just keep our fingers crossed and see how he responds.”

Cody told John McClain of the Houston Chronicle he would “without a doubt” be ready for the regular-season opener against Miami.

“Well, that’s Shaun,” Kubiak said. “He’s played with something before in his career and always finds a way to answer the bell. It’s just a little scare right now, and hopefully in a couple days from now, we’ll be moving forward and everything’s OK. But I know the last 24 hours have been very positive.”

Cody is entering his fourth year with the Texans. He has appeared in every game the last two years. Third-year nose tackle Earl Mitchell will move into Cody’s starting spot until he returns.

Quick Hits

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  • The Texans face a very good San Francisco team in their second preseason game on Saturday, but Kubiak says the team has to keep focusing on itself. “We’ve got some battles that have got to get worked out, but we’ve got to go back to training camp mentality [Tuesday],” Kubiak said. ‘We’ve got to get after it for a few more days here before we get in our regular routine.”
  • Linebacker Brian Cushing rejoined the team Monday after not making the trip to Carolina. Cushing was hospitalized last week with a viral infection. “I think it was more precautious than anything, being smart, and not pushing it right now,” Cushing told reporters. “You don’t want a setback and then miss multiple practices. So, the best thing was to get in the hospital, get back to feeling normal and then get back with the guys.”
  • Defensive end J.J. Watt continues to recover from a dislocated elbow he suffered early in training camp. Watt has attacked his rehab and hopes to be back soon. “I’m a hundred percent sure I’ll be ready for the [regular-season opener against the] Dolphins, maybe even earlier,” Watt told reporters. “We’re going to see on that, but it’s definitely a possibility. I wouldn’t rule it out.”

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